After a considerable hiatus, it was exhilarating to dive back into event management with a vibrant team of volunteers at the Sattvik Food Festival 2023. The return to community engagement is not just about organization; it’s a hub of learning and networking, especially after the long pause necessitated by the global pandemic.

This year, I reached out to Chetan Patel to see if there were areas I could contribute to, and soon found myself leading a dedicated team of student volunteers from various MBA colleges, all geared towards managing the Social Media front.

The first day was about acclimatizing and capturing the essence of the event, but by the second day, the team was fully operational, branching out into different groups. They were inviting food bloggers, artists, and the vibrant folks of Amdavad to partake in the festival’s offerings.

The festival saw an overwhelming footfall of over 60,000 visitors, bringing with it logistical challenges like parking and traffic. But, collaborating with Chetan Patel, Mayursinh Chavda, and Ramesh Patel from SRISTI transformed these challenges into a seamless experience. Their dedication to aiding farmers and managing volunteers was truly inspiring.

Tinkering India’s introduction to the Amdavadis was met with tremendous enthusiasm, marking the beginning of an exciting journey of growth and community engagement.

A highlight for many was the pipe-based assembly game for kids, sparking joy and creativity amongst the younger attendees. The event culminated with all of us – volunteers, influencers, and organizers – celebrating with Garba, our faces beaming with joy after four eventful days.

This experience was not just about managing an event; it was about learning to adapt, tackle unexpected situations, and grow as a team. We’re excited to bring more updates and continue this journey with a new cohort of volunteers for the Sattvik Social Media team. Stay tuned for more stories and lessons from this festive endeavor!
